A std Flake

The starting point for integrating std with our example project is defining a flake.nix file at the root of our project. As mentioned previously, std is a flake-based framework, and usage of Nix flakes is not optional.

Throughout this book, we'll be sharing snippets of our growing integration. These snippets will make excessive use of localized comments to explain concepts, as the proximity of these tends to make explanations much more effective. As our code base grows, repeat code will have comments stripped and only the new additions will be commented.

If you haven't already done so, clone the repository and move into the rust subdirectory where our source files are. Create a flake.nix file as shown in the next section.

Our std Flake

  # Like any flake, we define a set of inputs that should be accessible to our
  # project. Here, we include the `std` library and the latest version of
  # nixpkgs.
  inputs.std.url = "github:divnix/std";
  inputs.nixpkgs.url = "nixpkgs";

  # As per the flake schema, we define an attribute for holding the outputs of
  # our flake. In this case, `std` will be responsible for managing the outputs.
  outputs = { std, ... } @ inputs:
    # The `growOn` function can be seen as the main entrypoint into `std`. It is
    # responsible for growing our "organism" through cells into the final
    # product. It will produce an output schema that is specific to `std` and
    # can be further explored through the `std` CLI/TUI.
    # The `growOn` function is similar to `grow` but allows us to expand our
    # flake outputs to include more than just what `std` generates by default.
    # It takes a variable number of attribute sets after the first one which
    # defines how it behaves and will recursively update them into one final
    # set. Without this, we would only be able to use the `std` CLI/TUI, as by
    # default `std` places outputs under the `__std` attribute which the nix CLI
    # knows nothing about.
        # Necessary for `std` to perform its magic.
        inherit inputs;

        # This is one of the most important arguments for the `grow` function.
        # It defines the path where `std` will search for our cells. In this
        # case, we're specifying the `nix` subdirectory. A cell, in this case,
        # would be defined in a subdirectory under `nix` (e.g. ./nix/cell).
        cellsFrom = ./nix;

        # This is the second most important argument for the `grow` function. It
        # informs `std` of the block types that exist within our cells and where
        # they can be found. In this case, we're specifying that we have
        # "runnable" block types that can be found in an `apps.nix` file under
        # the cell directory.
        # The `std` framework has many different block types, and they primarily
        # dictate how the `std` CLI/TUI will behave. For example, the `runnable`
        # type will allow us to run our cell block as an executable using:
        # > std //std-example/apps/default:run
        # The `run` action is available because we've specified the `runnable`
        # cell block type. In this case, we're running the `default` target
        # which is defined as a derivation in ./nix/std-example/apps.nix that
        # builds our binary.
        cellBlocks = [
          (std.blockTypes.runnables "apps")
      # This second argument, as described above, allows us to expand what gets
      # included in our flake output. In this case, we're using the built-in
      # `harvest` function to "harvest" the derivations from our apps cell
      # block into the `packages` attribute of our flake output. This allows us
      # to interact with our flake using the nix CLI. For example, we can run
      # > nix run .#default
      # Which will build and run our binary.
        packages = std.harvest inputs.self [ [ "example" "apps" ] ];

Much of the structure presented above should not be surprising as there is no major deviation from the expected flake schema. Perhaps the largest change occurs in that this structure is primarily generated by std through the grow-on function. The arguments for this function are where we primarily derive the structure we discussed in the previous chapter. Of note are the following:

  • cellsFrom: The cells that make up our organism must be defined in a single folder within our repository. It's idiomatic to name this folder either cells or nix. Within this directory, each cell is isolated into a subdirectory, with all of its cell blocks further nested under this subdirectory.
  • cellBlock: Each cell consists of one or more blocks which are defined here in list form. Recall that cell blocks are typed, and the general format for defining them is (std.blockTypes.<type> "<name>"); where <type> is a valid block type as defined here and <name> is where std should look for the cell block under the parent cell's folder.

With these two arguments, we can bring cohesion to our otherwise disunified Nix code. We know where cells are defined, what block types are available, and where to find them. Determining where our runnables exist is simply a matter of examining our flake.nix and following the paths accordingly.

The growOn function takes a variable number of additional arguments and is what differentiates it from its sibling function (grow). We will dive deeper into these additional arguments in a future chapter.